Autonomous gas supply of restaurant and hotel complexes

Restaurant and hotel complexes open in different parts of our country, and not always these places are suitable for connecting the main gas pipeline. In this case, we recommend considering the option of autonomous gasification.


Автономне газопостачання ресторанно-готельних комплексів

Ресторанно-готельні комплекси відкриваються у різних куточках нашої країни, і не завжди ці місця підходять для підключення магістрального газопроводу. У цьому випадку ми рекомендуємо розглянути варіант автономної газифікації.

Advantages of autonomous gas supply of restaurant and hotel complexes

The main reason why we recommend autonomous gas supply to our customers is the independence of the system from resource-supplying organizations. In business, where the first place is occupied by the quality of service and convenience of guests, it is important to provide rooms and halls with the most comfortable temperature. Such results can be achieved only through the integrated automation of the heating system.

The main advantages of autonomous heating systems on liquefied petroleum gas:

- Lower fuel costs.

- The cost of one kW of thermal power obtained when using liquefied gas is significantly lower than when using electricity or diesel fuel. You can also quickly adjust the parameters of the heating system and prevent overspending.

- Always comfortable temperature for guests by existing staff.

- The system does not require constant monitoring by maintenance personnel.

- Environmentally friendly and quiet.

- Autonomous gas system does not produce unpleasant odors, noise and other side problems that can interfere with the rest of your guests.

- installation of the system from three days.

- The convenience of assembling the structure at the facility both during construction and during operation.

- Cost.

Installation of an autonomous gasification system is inexpensive and affordable in relation to other similar products on the modern market.


Help of professionals:

BoviarGaz is a team of professionals with many years of experience in gasification of enterprises offering turnkey installation of autonomous gas supply systems. This means that the client orders the service of a full range of works - from design to installation and maintenance of the system. This approach allows the responsibility for design and installation to be assigned to one company in order to avoid possible problems in the future.

The company has experience in installing gas equipment at industrial facilities, agricultural enterprises and private sectors. Our engineers develop gas cylinder designs that meet the requirements of technical documentation and are cost-effective for customers.

We do not have a separate sales department, since practical engineers with higher specialized education provide advice to potential customers and control the performance of work after the conclusion of the contract. This allows customers to get quality advice and answers to all questions about gasification of the enterprise.

We work closely with leading gas equipment manufacturers and use the latest advances in autonomous gasification. Thus, the customer receives a high-quality and reliable gas supply system of the enterprise.

Stages of autonomous gas supply


Preparation of technical assignment

Analyze required system performance


Selection of equipment

Selection of tank and components


Definition of placement

Check of standard locations from the tank and gas pipeline to the facilities at the site


Land works

Excavation of pit and trenches


Installation of components

Key and regulatory valves, condenstate collector


Installation of backup tank

Binding, fastening to concrete base


Concrete works

Slab Fill - Tank Bases


Gathering the gas pipeline

Installation of electric welding fasteners



Monitoring of connection and pressure in the system

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Any questions?

  • What gas is used in autonomous gasification systems?

    Autonomous gasification systems use liquefied petroleum gas, a mixture of propane and butane, the same as in gas cylinders and gas cylinder equipment systems for cars.

  • What is the economic efficiency of using liquefied petroleum gas in relation to other fuels?

    The cost of one unit of heat obtained by burning LPG is 2 times lower than when using electricity or diesel fuel (liquid). Propane-butane during burning releases a minimum of harmful impurities into the atmosphere, which allows not only to take care of nature, but also to save on paying taxes on the environment. Liquefied petroleum gas prolongs the life of equipment due to the reduced content of sulfur compounds. So, in modern autonomous gas supply systems operating on LPG, the service life stretches for more than a quarter of a century.

  • What is autonomous gasification?

    An autonomous gas supply system or autonomous gasification is its own independent uninterrupted gas supply system that is not connected to main networks. The essence of the process of installing this system is the installation of a special underground tank - a gas holder, which is filled with liquefied gas. The volume of the tank can be selected from the standard line of the manufacturer from 4600 to 20,000 liters, which allows you to refuel with a convenient period from 1 time per year. Depending on the area of the object, the volume of the required gas holder is calculated, for example, for a private house of 100 square meters, a tank of 4600 liters will be needed.

  • Why are the tanks in which LPG is stored located underground?

    To ensure stable operation of the heating system without the use of evaporation equipment, it is necessary to maintain the specified level of evaporation of liquefied gas inside the gas holder. At subzero temperatures, the evaporation of the propane-butane mixture is practically stopped. This problem is solved by placing part of the tank below the level of soil freezing.

  • Is autonomous gasification safe?

    Autonomous gas supply systems fully comply with the adopted national standards in the field of operation of liquefied gas equipment. The rules for using heating systems running on liquefied gas are similar to those existing for main gas.

  • How is LPG deciphered?

    LPG is an abbreviated name for a group of liquefied hydrocarbon gases. LPG includes propane and butane. SPBT is a technical propane-butane mixture - the main type of liquefied gas used for the operation of heating systems and other burners.


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Comparison of a diesel generator with a gas generator


A generator is the best substitute for the power grid. In private homes, vacation homes, various enterprises, in medicine, telecommunications and the financial industry, generators are often used as a backup power source


What is propane-butane?


LPG comes from two sources: about 60% comes from underground natural gas and oil production, and the remaining 40% is produced during the refining of crude oil.


Comparison of liquefied and natural gas


Liquefied petroleum gas ranks first among the most used energy sources in Europe. 


Gas supply to a private house, farm and enterprise


Energy independence is one of the most pressing issues for Ukraine today, requiring a quick search for a competent solution.


What is a gas holder? All about gas storage 


A gas holder is a metal cylinder equipped with special equipment and used to store, supply and inject liquefied gas (usually a mixture of carbon dioxide, propane and butane), as well as regasify it for further delivery to consumers via pipelines.


What is enterprise gasification?


Gasification of enterprises is the process of ensuring a continuous, high-quality supply of propane-butane gas to industrial enterprises, which are often located in areas where it is difficult to conduct centralized communications.
A popular solution to the problem of gas supply for such enterprises is the installation of liquefied gas holders.


If you would like to schedule a consultation or ask a question, please contact us in any convenient way:

Address :

5 Zhmerinska St., office 20, Kyiv, Ukraine

Hours :

Monday - Friday : 08:00 - 18:00

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