Design of gas installations for enterprises

Many companies are switching to autonomous gas supply systems as a profitable alternative to energy sources. You can get a reliable, high-quality and safe gas supply system by contacting BoviarGaz. 

Design of gas installations for enterprises

Many companies are switching to autonomous gas supply systems as a profitable alternative to energy sources. You can get a reliable, high-quality and safe gas supply system by contacting BoviarGaz. 


Designing gas installations for an enterprise: stages and features

One of the mandatory stages of equipment installation and commissioning of an autonomous gas supply system is the design of tank and evaporator units for the enterprise. This is a process that requires following a certain sequence of actions, collecting information and developing documentation. Gasification design is an important point that cannot be overlooked when planning the construction and direct use of the LPG gas supply system. Our company will provide professional support at all stages of preparation of design and permitting documentation for the commissioning of the LPG facility.

One of the most important stages preceding the development of the project is the assessment of the economic efficiency of liquefied gas use. Our experts will prepare a detailed report on a comparative analysis of the use of different types of fuel that can be used to operate your boiler equipment or process line, taking into account the specifics of storage and operation, as well as parameters affecting the environmental characteristics of the projected facility.

Designing gas equipment for an enterprise: what data should be provided by the customer 

For the sake of convenience and sequence of actions, the following stages of the gas plant design process should be distinguished:

  • Preparation of land documents by the customer

  • Conducting geological and geodetic surveys with the help of a design organization

  • Conclusion of a contract for the design of gas equipment for an enterprise between the design organization and the customer

  • Preparation of documents for gas-consuming equipment.

  • Obtaining an MBU (the project organization provides support).

  • Terms of reference to start designing gas installations for the enterprise.

When designing gas filling stations, the design organization prepares the following initial data:

  • Identification of high-risk facilities and potentially hazardous facilities. To prevent the occurrence of hazardous situations at the enterprise, assess the risks of man-made emergencies and make effective management decisions to reduce the impact of any potential threat on the environment, people and production.

  • Determination of the class of consequences in accordance with DSTU.

  • Preparation and submission of letters on the technical conditions of water, gas, electricity, and heat supply networks

  • Evaluation of positions in the TEP table system.

  • Terms of reference for the development of environmental impact assessment (EIA) materials (if an environmental impact assessment (EIA) is not required).
    Statement of intent (if an environmental impact assessment is not required).

The next stages of designing gas supply facilities

There are also 5 mandatory stages of preparation of design and permitting documentation for commissioning of an LNG facility.
They consist of a sequence of actions regulated by government agencies to obtain a permit for the construction and use of autonomous LNG stations.

    Services and development of additional sections that are not included in the basic design package for gas installations for the enterprise. At this stage, we develop the EIA section, geodetic and geological surveys, and develop an “Accident Localization and Response Plan for High Risk Facilities” (ALRP).

    Development of project documentation. This includes the technological part of the LNG project, civil protection engineering and technical measures, an early warning and emergency detection system, development and registration of a declaration of a high-risk facility, environmental impact assessment (not required if there is an EIA), and, after the project review, development of the detailed design documentation, etc.

    Approval of project documentation. This includes uploading the project to the portal of the Unified State Electronic System in the Field of Construction, project examination, and transfer of project documentation to the customer.

    Obtaining a construction permit and a certificate of completion. This stage includes the preparation and execution of technical documentation, such as technical specifications, supervision of the construction object by the design organization, and certification of the tank(s) in an expert center.

    Obtaining permits for the operation of installations and other elements of the LPG gas supply system. At this stage, the passport of the potentially hazardous facility is registered with the Insurance Documentation Fund, a Certificate of a potentially hazardous facility is obtained, the identification of the HAZMAT is agreed with the State Labor Service and its entry into the register, and other actions are taken to complete the final stage of designing gas installations for the enterprise (briefly listed on the page on gas supply design).

    The final point is to train personnel in occupational safety and health rules in accordance with NPAPP 0.00-1.76-15 “Safety Rules for Gas Supply Systems”, when the customer pays for this service to an expert organization.

Designing gas installations for an enterprise: briefly about the benefits of autonomous gasification

By ordering the service of designing gas installations for an enterprise with the subsequent construction and commissioning of an autonomous gas station, you will receive many benefits.
The main advantages of business gasification that cannot be overestimated:

  • Durability

    Gas equipment, unlike solid fuel equipment, is more reliable because propane-butane has a lower content of sulfur and other elements that can damage storage tanks, while wood fuel, with its high moisture content, quickly disables solid fuel boilers;

  • Environmental friendliness 

    Unlike firewood, pellets and diesel fuel, propane-butane does not produce soot and odors during combustion, and as a result, it is completely environmentally friendly

  • Independence

    An autonomous system frees its owners from dependence on the political situation and excessive fuel and maintenance costs;

  • Cost-effectiveness

    Compared to diesel fuel and electricity, the use of liquid propane-butane is more cost-effective. Compared to natural gas, LPG is up to 25% cheaper;

  • Installation

    After weighing the advantages and disadvantages of each option, you can decide whether to place the cylinder underground or above ground;

  • Security

    Unlike diesel fuel, propane-butane cylinders cannot be stolen because they are completely sealed


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Comparison of a diesel generator with a gas generator


A generator is the best substitute for the power grid. In private homes, vacation homes, various enterprises, in medicine, telecommunications and the financial industry, generators are often used as a backup power source


What is propane-butane?


LPG comes from two sources: about 60% comes from underground natural gas and oil production, and the remaining 40% is produced during the refining of crude oil.


Comparison of liquefied and natural gas


Liquefied petroleum gas ranks first among the most used energy sources in Europe. 


Gas supply to a private house, farm and enterprise


Energy independence is one of the most pressing issues for Ukraine today, requiring a quick search for a competent solution.


What is a gas holder? All about gas storage 


A gas holder is a metal cylinder equipped with special equipment and used to store, supply and inject liquefied gas (usually a mixture of carbon dioxide, propane and butane), as well as regasify it for further delivery to consumers via pipelines.


What is enterprise gasification?


Gasification of enterprises is the process of ensuring a continuous, high-quality supply of propane-butane gas to industrial enterprises, which are often located in areas where it is difficult to conduct centralized communications.
A popular solution to the problem of gas supply for such enterprises is the installation of liquefied gas holders.


If you would like to schedule a consultation or ask a question, please contact us in any convenient way:

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5 Zhmerinska St., office 20, Kyiv, Ukraine

Hours :

Monday - Friday : 08:00 - 18:00

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